
Emsworth & District

Sea Shanties

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Fortnightly on Fridays 2:00 pm
1st and 3rd weeks
Venue: Members House

We live by the sea, and sea shanties teach us something about maritime heritage. Also, listening to YouTube videos, it seems the main point is to get together and have fun (which is what happens in a lot of the groups anyway) and not worry overmuch about being off-key (whatever that is). Each group member is encouraged to choose a shanty for meetings and then be the shantyman/shantywoman /shantyperson for their choice. The rest of the group would join in the choruses. Constrained singing talent does not bar membership of the crew but any reasonably tuneful singers could help the rest of us out! If anybody plays an appropriate musical instrument they are also welcome to bring that along. We meet the first and third Friday afternoons of the month at 14.00 in members' home/gardens (weather permitting).

For more information please contact Adrian Wakeford - Group Leader.