The Emsworth u3a is affiliated to the national organisation known as the Third Age Trust. This provides a large amount of support education and activities for all other u3as. Other u3a links are shown below.
Other u3a Sites
Third Age Trust | The national organisation supporting all the UK u3as. |
u3a South East Region | u3a South East Region Website |
South Central Network | Emsworth u3a is a member of the Hampshire South Coast Network. Have a look at what our u3a neighbours are doing |
Virtual u3a | This is an online-only U3A, affiliated to the Third Age Trust. One of its principal aims is to provide the U3A experience for those who are rendered isolated in some way by circumstances or geography and unable to play a full part in a terrestrial U3A |
u3a Signpost | Signposts to educational resources of a (mostly) non-computer nature |