Shown below is the rota for serving the tea, coffee and biscuits at the monthly meetings.
Depending on the size of Group there may be two Groups for any one month - will Group Leaders please liaise and ensure that at least three people from their Groups ‘volunteer’ for this duty.
If insufficient people turn up to provide the service, then no refreshments will be served at that meeting
2023 |
November | Book Groups 1 & 2 |
December | NO MEETING |
2024 |
January | Discussion2/Family History |
February | Classical Music App/Listening to Jazz |
March | Science, Engineering & Tech/Poetry Writing |
April | Poetry/Gardens 1 |
May | Wine Appreciation/Art Discovery |
June | Theatre Group/Discussion 1 |
July | Gardens 2 |
August | NO MEETING |
September | Board Games |
October | Amble & Pub Lunch |
November | French Discussion/Rythm & Rock |
December | NO MEETING |
Any queries please contact Bridget Watts or Maureen Nicholas